The purpose of this disclosure statement is to provide a summary of important information to any prospective Annual Holiday Site Occupants before they accept an offer to enter into an Annual Holiday Site or commit to the acquisition of an unregistered moveable dwelling located on an Annual Holiday Site at Anchor Belle Holiday Park.

If you require further information or have any further questions which are not addressed in the disclosure statement please feel free to contact us on 0359522258 or email us at [email protected]

1. Fees Details of occupants fees and other fees payable under the Agreement are as follows:

  • Annual fees are due by the 30th of June yearly

  • Please note – new annual guests fees are due prior to change over date 

  • Annual fee [covers 2 nominated people] $7,500.00

    • Extra nominated guests $150.00 per person

    • Nominated guest fees are not transferable or refundable 

  • Overnight visitor fees $15.00 per person per night 

1.a Are there any restrictions on visitors coming into the Park?
Clause 6.16  All guests/visitors MUST register at the office on arrival.
Van owners/principal occupants and nominated guests can advise the office via email or phone call prior to arrival. Visitors in the park after 9pm will be classed as overnight visitors and charged accordingly.

  • Overnight visitors must report to the office. If arrival is outside of office hours, visitors must report to the office prior to 10am the next day. 

  • Overnight visitors include anyone staying with you or using your van in your absence. The appropriate fee will be charged to your account if payment is not paid on arrival. Failure to comply will result in a non-refundable additional administration fee of $50.00 to your account.

  • If visitors use your van in your absence, we request an email or phone call during office hours before visitors’ arrival. Without your permission, visitors will be refused access into the park.

  • Fees for additional occupants/nominated guests are those which have been included in the payment
    of fees and included on your registration form. This includes teenage sons and/or daughters that may
    use your van from time to time. 

  • Your guests are your responsibility; please make them aware of park rules and evacuation procedures.

 2. Additional charges to be paid by the occupant 

  • Overnight visitors $15.00 per person per night 

  • Grand Prix visitors Flat rate of $60.00 per person irrespective of the length of stay 

  • Administration fee $50.00 non-refundable

  • Electricity charges are metered at the current rate of 41.55 cents per kWh. The Park Owner is an embedded network exempt seller. 

  • Metre reading fee $10.80 per metre reading. Minimum of 4 per year. 

  • Parking penalty $20.00 per day for boats/jet skis and vehicles not parked in the designated area 

  • Call out fee $50.00 if after hours call out is not an urgent matter or emergency

  • Rubbish removal $50.00 minimum. Please note any tip fees incurred will be billed accordingly. We are unable
    to quote in advance as tip fees vary greatly.

  • Postage fees $50.00 plus administration fee

  • Direct debit dishonour fee $50.00

  • Installment fees: $50.00 per instalment

  • Overdue balances/Late Payments on accounts will incur a late payment fee. If the Occupant defaults in the payment of any money due under this Agreement then the Occupant must pay to the Owner upon demand interest on any money overdue during the period of default at a rate 2% higher than the rate for the time being fixed under Section 2 of the Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983 (Vic.) as at the date of the default per month compounding on any outstanding balance.

  • Annual fees paid by credit card will incur a 1.55% fee 

  • Van sales/transfer fee of $1,000.00 is required to sell dwelling onsite 

  • Establishment fee $1,500.00 for new vans to occupy a vacant site 

  • BPay payments can be made once your account is set up 

3. Peak periods and weekends
Peak periods and weekends are included in the fees.

4. What is the term of the Agreement?
The term of the Agreement shall commence on the commencement date and shall expire on the 30th of June following the commencement date.

5. No Right of Renewal Clause 16.1.
The parties acknowledge and agree that this agreement is for the fixed term specified in Clause 2.2. The Principal Occupant acknowledges and agrees that at the end of the fixed term the Principal Occupant has no right to renew this agreement and, if it has not been terminated earlier, this Agreement will come to an end on the

Expiry Date in accordance with Clause 9.1(h).

5.1. Will I own the site?
No. You will own the dwelling on the site and have an occupancy right under the Annual Holiday Site Agreement executed between Anchor Belle Holiday Park and the Principal Occupant of the site. You will not own or have any proprietary rights or legal interest to the site or land at anytime.

6. How many vehicles may be parked on the site?
One car per site
Before purchasing an annual van, please check with reception as to the location of the car park. Some sites have foregone their car space and opted to park their vehicle outside the park. Additional cars are to be parked outside of the park. We understand there may be times where it’s more convenient to drive to your site to unpack or deliver items, however, please contact the office during business hours to check if your requests can be accommodated. Do not park in other guests’ car spaces or on tourist sites without permission.

6.1 Boats, jet skis & trailers

  • If your site/cabin allows, we are happy for you to substitute your car space and park your boat, jet ski or trailer in your car space and park your car along Church Street. 

  • Boats, jet skis, or trailers can only be stored at your site while using your van and are not to be stored in your absence. 

  • Please remember we only allow one ‘car’ per site. Additional cars will need to be parked along Church street. We recommend bringing a lock for your trailers/boats/ jet skis in case these cannot be accommodated on the site/cabin allocated. For a secure boat storage area, we recommend contacting Seaview Holiday Park on 03 5952 2033 to arrange storage.

  • Strictly NO washing and flushing of motors. The carwash located next to the BP Station is the best place to do this. No major repairs are to be carried out on your boat. No bait or fish to be left in your boat. 

7. Can the dwelling be sold on site? 
The dwelling may only be sold on site if the Park owner has agreed to continue a site agreement with the purchaser. Refer to Annual Holiday Site Agreement ‘Sale of Dwelling’.

A completed ‘sales transfer agreement form’ is required and an up-front transfer fee of $1,000 must be paid. Otherwise, the sale of the dwelling brings the Agreement to an immediate end and the Dwelling must be removed from the Park. 

  • All fees and charges are payable regardless of your van being on the market. 

  • Accounts must be up to date with no outstanding amounts before the van can be listed.

  • If an owner sells without a completed sales transfer agreement form, this will be seen as a sale without continuation to occupy a yearly holiday site. The dwelling must then be removed from the park within 7 days 

  • Yearly fees are not transferable.

  • Fees are charged and refunded based on storage and a pro rata seasonal basis. 

Before van change over can take place:

  • Management must approve potential purchasers’ application 

  • Trade works/compliance safety certificates must be complete & trades paid.

7.1 Can the Principal Occupier sell, bequeath or transfer the occupancy?
No. The agreement automatically ends if the ownership or title is transferred to another party.

7a. Electrical and Gas Safety Certificate
It is compulsory to supply the Caravan Park owners with a current Electrical and Gas Safety certificate before the changeover can take place. A new owner wishing to leave the caravan on-site must make an application for a yearly holiday site. Enquire as to the fees that will be payable on acquisition. Please note that fees are charged and refunded on a seasonal basis. 

7b. Applying for an Annual Holiday Site
Anyone wishing to purchase a van on site and enter into an Annual Holiday Site Agreement must complete an application form and be approved by management before the sale takes place. Applicants need to provide a current police check for all guests over the age of 18, a written letter from their accountant confirming fees are within their budget and a credit check report will be required.

Change-over fees are due once approval has been met. These must be paid prior to occupying the site. 

8. Is there any restriction on the types of moveable dwellings allowed at the Park?
Yes. Refer to the copy of ‘Standards of Dwellings’ required within the Park. These must comply with The Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Act 1993 which regulate the size, design and type of construction of dwellings within the park. Decks no longer than 2.1m past the front of the caravan.

9. Is there a limit on the number of days I can access the Park?
Yes. The annual fee allows nominated persons to use the Park and its facilities for up to [180] days per year, provided that in no event can any person stay in the Park for a continuous period of longer than 45 days, and it is for holiday use only.

All permitted occupants must notify the park each time they arrive or depart from the caravan park- clause 6.16
Preferably via email [email protected] – this can be done in advance with estimated dates and updated once confirmed.

9.1. Can I live on the site?
No. The Annual Holiday Site Agreement permits holiday occupancy only and any residential living is prohibited.

10. Can the owner require relocation of the dwelling during the term of the Agreement?
Yes. The owner can require relocation at any time upon giving 28 days’ notice.

 11. Who pays the cost of relocation?
The owner shall reimburse the direct cost of relocation unless it is required by the direction of or to comply with a policy of any competent authority. In which case, the cost must be borne by the owner of the dwelling.

12. How will disputes be resolved?
Other than excluded disputes, disputes will be resolved by mediation – see Clause 15 of the Agreement.

13. What may be erected on the site other than the dwelling?

  • No structures may be erected on the site.

  • Occupants must not carry out works on dwellings or sites without first obtaining the written consent of the Park owner or manager which may be given or withheld entirely at the discretion of the Owner or Manager. 

  • Without approval and your permission, tradespersons will be refused access into the park. All electrical and plumbing work must be carried out by a qualified tradesperson. A copy of Gas and Electrical compliance certificates needs to be provided to the office for any works carried out.

  • Email the office with proposed works and dates [email protected]

  • Ensure sufficient notice is given- 1 week minimum

For interior works in your van we need to know:

  • Requested dates

  • Scope of works – painting, installing new flooring, shower installation, waste pan, hot water units,
    air conditioners etc.

  • What tools are expected to be used – drilling, sanding, hammering etc.

  • Who will be doing the work?

For exterior works on your van we need to know:

  • Please send through your requests with as much detail as possible

  • Written scope of work

  • Measurements, diagrams/drawings, materials etc. 

  • If requesting to paint the exterior please provide a colour sample

  • What tools are expected to be used – drilling, sanding, hammering etc.

  • Who will be doing the work?

Time restrictions

Once your works have been approved and you have permission, be aware of these time restrictions:

  • Monday to Friday 9.00am – 4.00pm

  • Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 2.00pm *OFF peak/winter months if approved. 

Always be mindful and communicate with your neighbours if they are staying to ensure you are not disturbing the peace.
No work can be carried out during busy times, long weekends, school holidays etc.

14. Annual Van and Site Appearance expectations

  • No items are to be left alongside, behind, on top or under your vans. Items around and behind vans are not only unsightly they’re hazardous and in breach of CFA requirements. When vans are not in use, please pack away all personal and recreational items inside your caravan, storage sheds or storage boxes. Garden beds/areas of plants need to be well maintained.

  • Minimal items are accepted on decks when vans are not in use i.e. tables and chairs neatly arranged, BBQs, potted plants, Ensure these are packed away neatly

  • Van exterior Clean and in good repair. No broken windows, holes in van exterior, free from dirt and grime build up. No tarps or covers tied across windows or van exteriors 

  • Fly overs Kept clean and in good repair. Debris removed (branches, leaves etc), clean from grime build up and mould. Flyovers that do not meet the requirements need to be replaced

  • Café blinds Kept clean and in good repair. Not ripped, torn or faded. Cafe blinds that do not meet the requirements are to be removed or replaced.

  • Gardens Private gardens/pot plants etc are to be maintained by van owner 

15. Hard Rubbish/unwanted items 

  • No hard rubbish to be disposed of in any park bins- administration fees apply if found to dump hard rubbish.

  • Take home any unwanted items when you are leaving or arrange removal with the office.

  • Do not use accommodation bins.

  • We are unable to quote ‘tip trips’ in advance as the charges vary greatly on any given day. We will bill you on tip fee costs and our staff costs incurred- $50.00 minimum.

16. Storage sheds or storage boxes
Written permission with dimensions is required before installing any storage sheds or boxes behind or down the sides of vans.

17. Insurance of annual van and boats
It is your responsibility to insure against loss/damage and have public liability of your van and or boat. 

18. Subletting/hiring of vans
Strictly no subletting of annual vans/cabins
The site tenant must not require a visitor to pay any fee for staying on the site or in the dwelling, Clause 10.8.

19. Boom Gates
Your code is unique to YOUR booking and is valid for one car in the park grounds at any time.

  • Anyone using your van in your absence needs to be registered prior to arrival. They will be given their own access code.

  • Sharing boom gate Codes– Sharing of boom gate codes is not permitted. If you are found to be sharing your code, this will be deactivated and denied vehicle access to the park.

  • Tradesmen/deliveries etc. will need to be registered during office hours and given their own
    unique number.

  • No tailgating/passbacks.

  • If the wrong code is entered, reset by selecting * then enter your unique number followed by the # key. 

  • Some sites have foregone their car space, if your site does not have an allocated car space. We understand there may be times where it is more convenient to drive to your site to unpack or deliver items, however, please arrange with the office prior to bringing your car in and check if your requests can be accommodated.

20. Power & Water Supply

  • Turn your water off at the mains (outside) taps when the van is not in use.

  • Turn your power off when departing the park and the van is not in use.

  • Power extension leads must not be coiled

  • Do not plug into other guests’ power supply

  • Do not plug into the caravan parks power, camping sites or accommodations power supply. 

  • Smoke alarm batteries need to be changed every 6 months. 

  • Smoke alarms beeping in your absence will incur an administration fee for this to be changed. 


  • Respect and be mindful of other occupants’ property, privacy, peace, and quiet at all times.

  • Noise to be kept respectful and reasonable at all times. 

  • Music to be ceased and noise to be at a bare minimum by 10.30 pm 

  • Maintain sufficient periodical supervision of children to ensure that the children do not cause a nuisance or inconvenience to other occupants, management or employees of the holiday park. 

  • If a child continues to behave in an unacceptable manner the caravan park staff reserves the right to impose a reasonable sanction on the child. For example the child may be refused use of the swimming pool for a period of time. 

  • Do not erect a private clothesline.

  • No smoking within facilities, under-covered areas, and within 10 metres of children’s play areas.

  • Speed limit through park: Walking pace only (5km) 

  • Be familiar with emergency evacuation plans & procedures, copies are available from our office. Please observe office hours in respect to sundry payment and registering visitors 

  • No open fires (includes heat bead webers)

Bike riding 

  • Helmets must be worn at all times. 

  • Children must be supervised by a parent/adult. 

  • Parents are fully responsible for children’s safety, any damages or injury. 

  • No riding after dark or before 8am. 

  • No riding on footpaths or breezeway areas.

  • No riding through or across sites.

Exclusion zones apply – refer to the park map.

Our park facilities are for our guests to enjoy, it’s our expectation that our property is treated with respect. Misuse or damage of facilities or equipment may result in being prohibited from using facilities. Damages to property or equipment are to be paid for.

  • Pool is closed during the Victorian 3rd school term each year.

  • A parent or guardian must accompany all children under the age of 12 in the pool at all times. You are responsible for the safety of your children whilst using the park facilities including the pool. There is no lifeguard.

  • The facility’s opening times vary from peak to off-peak season. 

  • Opening times will be displayed at the entrance of each area.

  • There may be times throughout the year where our facilities are closed for maintenance or functions. 

  • No entitlement of refunds, reimbursements or compensation in the event of our Holiday Park and or facilities being closed due to upgrades, maintenance or closures that may limit access or force closures. 

  • Major scheduled works will be listed on our website. www.anchorbelle.com.au

It is the caravan park owner’s policy to listen to or raise grievances in private during office hours. There is an expectation that an attempt has been made to resolve any dispute between occupants. 

Management has the right to terminate occupancy at any time for failure to comply with park rules or behaving in an offensive or disorderly manner.